The Singleton Design Pattern In Swift A Humorous Journey Into Solitude

04 Mar 2025 - Bruno Duarte


Ah, the Singleton pattern—a design pattern so solitary that it ensures a class has only one instance throughout an application’s lifecycle. It’s like the introvert of design patterns, always making sure it stands alone, avoiding the chaos of multiple instances. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the Singleton pattern in Swift, exploring its implementation, pros and cons, and even how to unit test it. All the while, we’ll keep things lighthearted and fun—because who said software design can’t have a sense of humor?


  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Singleton Pattern
  3. Implementing Singletons in Swift
  4. Practical Use Cases for Singletons
  5. Testing Singletons in Swift
  6. The Pros and Cons of Singletons
  7. Conclusion


Imagine you’re hosting a massive party and you decide to hire only one DJ to ensure the music never falls out of sync. Inviting multiple DJs might result in a chaotic mix of tunes—hardly the vibe you’re aiming for. The Singleton pattern follows the same philosophy: it restricts a class to only one instance, thus providing a controlled, centralized access point to a particular resource or service.

The Gang of Four described the Singleton pattern with a simple yet powerful idea:

“Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.” — Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

In the world of Swift programming, this idea has evolved into a neat and expressive solution for managing shared resources. Let’s explore how!


Before diving into code, it’s important to understand the key characteristics of a Singleton:

The Singleton pattern is particularly useful when you need to control access to shared resources such as network connections, configuration settings, or even an audio manager for your app’s background tunes.


Swift makes it incredibly straightforward to implement Singletons. Below are two common approaches: the classic approach and the modern, more “Swifty” implementation.

Classic Singleton Implementation

In the classic implementation, a static constant holds the instance and the initializer is made private to prevent external instantiation.


class ClassicSingleton {
    static let sharedInstance = ClassicSingleton()
    private init() {
        // Private initialization to ensure only one instance is created.
        print("ClassicSingleton initialized")


Modern Swift Singleton Implementation

Swift’s evolution has led to a more concise and expressive pattern. The modern approach typically uses a naming convention like “shared”.


class ModernSingleton {
    static let shared = ModernSingleton()
    private init() {
        // Private initialization to ensure only one instance is created.
        print("ModernSingleton initialized")

This approach is cleaner and aligns with Swift’s naming conventions and best practices, making your code more readable and maintainable.


Singletons are best used in scenarios where a single, consistent instance is required:

Consider an Example: if you’re building an app that relies heavily on network operations, a NetworkManager Singleton can ensure that all network calls go through a single, well-coordinated channel.


class NetworkManager {
    static let shared = NetworkManager()
    private init() {
        // Private initialization for single instance.
    func fetchData(from url: URL, completion: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) {
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
            completion(data, error)


Testing Singletons can be a bit tricky due to their global state. However, with a few smart strategies, you can effectively unit test them.

Unit Testing the Singleton Instance

A fundamental test for a Singleton is to ensure that multiple accesses yield the same instance. Using Swift’s XCTest framework, you can write a test like this:


import XCTest
@testable import YourAppModule

class SingletonTests: XCTestCase {
    func testSingletonInstancesAreIdentical() {
        let firstInstance = ModernSingleton.shared
        let secondInstance = ModernSingleton.shared
        // Check if both instances are actually the same object
        XCTAssertTrue(firstInstance === secondInstance, "ModernSingleton should return the same instance every time")


Advanced Techniques: Dependency Injection and Resettable Singletons

In some scenarios, especially during unit testing, the global nature of Singletons can hinder test isolation. To mitigate this, you can employ dependency injection or design your Singleton to allow a reset for testing purposes.

Using Dependency Injection:

One way to make your code more testable is by abstracting the Singleton behind a protocol. This allows you to inject a mock during testing.


protocol AudioManaging {
    func playSound(named name: String)
    func stopSound(named name: String)

class AudioManager: AudioManaging {
    static let shared = AudioManager()
    private init() {}
    func playSound(named name: String) {
        // Actual implementation to play sound
        print("Playing sound: \(name)")
    func stopSound(named name: String) {
        // Actual implementation to stop sound
        print("Stopping sound: \(name)")

// For testing, a mock implementation
class MockAudioManager: AudioManaging {
    var playSoundCalled = false
    var stopSoundCalled = false
    func playSound(named name: String) {
        playSoundCalled = true
    func stopSound(named name: String) {
        stopSoundCalled = true

// Example test case
class AudioManagerTests: XCTestCase {
    func testPlaySoundCalled() {
        let mockAudioManager = MockAudioManager()
        let player = AudioPlayer(audioManager: mockAudioManager) "testSound")
        XCTAssertTrue(mockAudioManager.playSoundCalled, "playSound should be called on the audio manager")

// Class that uses dependency injection for the audio manager
class AudioPlayer {
    private let audioManager: AudioManaging
    init(audioManager: AudioManaging = AudioManager.shared) {
        self.audioManager = audioManager
    func play(sound: String) {
        audioManager.playSound(named: sound)


Resettable Singletons for Testing:

Sometimes, you might want to reset a Singleton’s state between tests. While Singletons are designed to be persistent, you can add a mechanism for resetting them—but use this cautiously, as it may break the Singleton’s guarantee if misused outside of tests.


class ResettableSingleton {
    static var shared: ResettableSingleton = {
        return ResettableSingleton()
    // Reset function for testing only
    static func resetSharedInstance() {
        shared = ResettableSingleton()
    private init() {
        // Private initialization
    // Example property to test state reset
    var counter: Int = 0

class ResettableSingletonTests: XCTestCase {
    override func tearDown() {
        // Reset the shared instance after each test
    func testSingletonStateReset() {
        let instance1 = ResettableSingleton.shared
        instance1.counter = 42
        let instance2 = ResettableSingleton.shared
        XCTAssertEqual(instance2.counter, 42, "State should be shared across tests")
        // Reset and verify the default state is restored
        let instance3 = ResettableSingleton.shared
        XCTAssertEqual(instance3.counter, 0, "After reset, the counter should be 0")





The key is to use Singletons judiciously—embracing their benefits while mitigating the downsides through techniques like dependency injection and careful test planning.


The Singleton pattern is a powerful, if sometimes controversial, tool in the Swift developer’s toolkit. It guarantees that a class has only one instance, providing a centralized point of access for shared resources. From managing network connections to controlling audio playback, Singletons have found their place in many real-world applications.

In this article, we explored both classic and modern implementations of the Singleton pattern in Swift, delved into its benefits and pitfalls, and even discussed advanced techniques for unit testing Singletons. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale application, understanding the nuances of the Singleton pattern can help you design more robust and maintainable code.

As the Gang of Four reminded us, design patterns are not silver bullets but powerful guidelines that, when used appropriately, can significantly improve your software architecture. So, embrace the solitude of the Singleton, but don’t forget to test it properly—because even the loneliest object deserves a little care.

Happy coding, and may your Singletons always remain singular!


Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) (English Edition)